Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Little Downstairs Mixup

Today, I checked the itinerary expecting to see an early afternoon, possibly late morning departure tomorrow. Expecting, because thats what I remember from when we first purchased the tickets... "Wrongo". Our departure time is 8:30p.m. Another full day in Hawaii! Wait... Another full day in Hawaii? Hhm, what should one do with another unexpected full day? Morning worship in the Ohana court is definitely happening. Only 13 more hours after that. I'm sure we'll think of something.

In the mean time, we need to find someone to pick us up at the Seattle/Tacoma airport at 9:00 in the morning on Tuesday. Blah! We're not worried though and neither should you be for us. As long as we have Good&Plenty and each other we should be fine. Plus, God is leading the way, pointing to our true north-- which will lead us home!


  1. I think maybe my favorite part of your whole adventure from what I've heard, is your faith in God. You guys crack me up, but your faith and trust in the Lord is so great! Sure we'll hitch hike, sure we will find a ride home from the airport tonight. No big God has it under control. haha can't wait to hear more stories, glad you guys are having fun!
